IIL Webinar: Digital Transformation Through Portfolio Management

Digital transformation is the major emphasis of corporations today, especially international and global corporations. It is driven by a continuing stream of new and disruptive technologies that allow corporations to reach and interact with their customers in new and innovative ways.

Technologies are allowing, and even demanding, that organizations change the way they do business. The success stories in digital transformation are legend. But digital transformation cannot be managed in the traditional project and program management approaches.

One of the more successful approaches to managing digital transformation is through portfolio management. This webinar explains what digital transformation is and what it might mean to your organization, how digital transformation is affected, and why portfolio management might be the best way to manage a successful digital transformation.

What You Will Learn:

After this one-hour session, you will be able to answer the following questions:

  • What is digital transformation?
  • How will digital transformation affect me?
  • How is digital transformation being pursued inside an organization?
  • How should digital transformation initiatives be managed within the organization?

This webinar will provide up to 1.0 PDU:

  • 0.75 Strategic PDUs
  • 0.25 Technical PDUs for PMP/PgMP/PfMP/CAPM


Steve Blais

Steve Blais

Steve Blais, PMP, has over 43 years’ experience in business analysis, project management, and software development. He is an IIL Senior Instructor, Course Author, Consultant and Coach and provides consulting services to companies developing business analysis processes. He is the author of Business Analysis: Best Practices for Success (Wiley).



6:00 AM – 7:00 AM ET


1:30PM – 2:30 PM ET

Can’t attend live? Register anyway and we’ll send you a link to view the recording.

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Rendezvény információ

A kategória típusa: IIL Webinár

A rendezvény típusa:

Dátum: 4 május 2021

Óra: 12:00 - 13:00

További dátumok:

4 május 2021 at 19:30

Nyelv: Angol

PDU pontok száma: 1.0

Ár információ

Tagi regisztráció: Ingyenes

Nem tagi regisztráció: Ingyenes

Helyszín információ