How "Mission Success First" transformed NASA - free webinar by Project Business Foundation



The panelists:

  • Ed Hoffman
    is instructor at the Columbia University. He was the former Chief Knowledge Officer and Director of the Academy for Program, Project, & Engineering Leadership at NASA.
  • Oliver F. Lehmann
    works as a corporate trainer for various organizations. He is the owner of the Project Business Foundation and the host of the event.


In the late 20th century, NASA underwent a time of crisis, including several failed Mars missions and two lost Space Shuttles. The doctrine “Faster - Cheaper - Better” that was in use by that time showed its insufficiency for space programs performed at the edge of what was technologically feasible and viable. 

Around 2000, NASA transformed its fundamental philosophy and its approach to collaboration with its complex multi-tier network of project suppliers. Now, implementing a new “Mission Success First” paradigm with vendors, NASA turns contract parties into project partners for whom completing takes priority over competing. The result is a staggering series of successes in one of the most challenging project environments. And both NASA and its contractors are proud of their joint achievements.

As the Director of NASA’s Academy Program for Project & Engineering Leadership, Ed Hoffman was integral to this change. In 2010, he became the Chief Knowledge Officer at NASA. As an insider, he will give us a first-hand account of this powerful transformation, how NASA made it happen, and what benefits the organization gathered from it.


Date: 24 Feb 2023
Time: 1 PM EST / 6 PM UTC / 19:00 CET (Convert)

Participation is free.

Claimable PDUs: 1 (Business Acumen)

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Rendezvény információ

A kategória típusa: Globális események

A rendezvény típusa:

Dátum: 24 február 2023

Óra: 19:00 - 20:00

Nyelv: Angol

PDU pontok száma: 1.0

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Tagi regisztráció: Ingyenes

Nem tagi regisztráció: Ingyenes

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