Legal Acumen for Project Business? - free webinar by Project Business Foundation



To avoid legal troubles, Project Managers in Project Business need basic knowledge of legal matters.

On the contractor side, they lead customer projects from initiation to closure, avoiding the pitfalls of breach of contract and infringement of regulations and laws, thus protecting the company from civil and criminal litigation.

On the customer side, they direct multi-tier networks of vendors and service providers with complex  interfaces between the companies. These interfaces are often the places where crises originate. 

However, project managers are not supposed to be legal experts. So, how much legal knowledge should they have?

Sarah Schütte, a lawyer with a focus on large-scale projects from London, UK, discusses with Oliver F. Lehmann how much legal knowledge project managers should have to protect their cross-corporate projects and the organizations they work for.


The panelists:
Sarah Schütte is a prominent lawyer in the area of project business with a focus on ADR, Alternative Dispute Resolution, i.e. avoiding lawsuits. However, when push comes to shove, she also knows how to win a case at a court of law.
Oliver F. Lehmann is the expert in Project Business Management and host of the event.


Date: 30 Jan 2023
Time: 8 AM EST / 1 PM UTC / 14:00 CET (Convert to your time zone)

The event is free.

Claimable PDUs: 1 (Business Acumen)

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Rendezvény információ

A kategória típusa: Globális események

A rendezvény típusa:

Dátum: 30 január 2023

Óra: 14:00 - 15:00

Nyelv: Angol

PDU pontok száma: 1.0

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Tagi regisztráció: Ingyenes

Nem tagi regisztráció: Ingyenes

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