FREE WEBINAR: Digital Transformation: Beyond the Technology


You’ve heard of it by now: digital transformation. When you think of this term, flashy new tech might come to mind… cloud computing, the internet of things, or artificial intelligence. But in this webinar, we’ll explore some of the not-so-obvious aspects of digital transformation: company culture, diversity, systems thinking, and more.

We’ll sit down with Pamela Hinds, Stanford Professor and Academic Director of the Digital Transformation Program, to learn more about the not-so-technical side of digital transformation and where the future of this hot topic is headed.


You Will Learn:

  • What cultural elements are needed for successful digital transformation
  • Why it’s important to familiarize yourself with digital transformation, even if you’re not leading the initiative
  • What the biggest impacts will be for the future of digital transformation


Pam Hinds
Professor of Management Science and EngineeringStanford University
Pam studies the effect of technology on teams, collaboration, and innovation. She's conducted extensive research on the dynamics of cross-boundary work teams, particularly those spanning national borders. Pam also has a body of research on human-robot interaction in the work environment and the dynamics of human-robot teams. Most recently, Pamela has been looking at the changing nature of work in the face of emerging technologies, including the nature of coordination in open innovation, changes in work and organizing resulting from 3D-printing, and the work of data analysts.
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Rendezvény információ

A kategória típusa: Globális események

A rendezvény típusa:

Dátum: 17 november 2022

Óra: 18:30 - 19:00

Nyelv: Angol

PDU pontok száma: 0.0

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Tagi regisztráció: Ingyenes

Nem tagi regisztráció: Ingyenes

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