Lunch & Learn: Change Management - Roadmap for Leading Transformation for Project Managers



Hundreds of billions of dollars are wasted in organizations each year in introducing change efforts that have no chance of survival. In this thought-provoking session Dr. Tabrizi, Stanford University's world-renowned author of six books on Transformation, first discusses pitfalls that lead to failures of change efforts. Next, he presents the key steps for Project Managers in developing a change-agile culture based on a study he conducted of over 1000 companies and governmental organizations around the globe. Finally, Dr. Tabrizi will discuss how you can get started with the Brightline Transformation Compass, jointly developed with PMI, how the right change leadership culture is developed, and how a successful transformation is sustained.

Learning Objectives:

Pitfalls that lead to failures of change efforts
The key steps for Project Managers in developing a change-agile culture
How you can get started with the Brightline Transformation Compass

About the speaker:

Dr. Behnam Tabrizi is a world-renowned expert in Transformation, a best-selling author, and an award-winning teacher, scholar, and global advisor. He has served on the teaching faculty of Organizational Transformation at Stanford University and its executive programs for the past 25 years. He is the author of six books on leading innovation and transformation and served as an advisor to many large global companies, a U.S. President, and governmental agencies. Dr. Tabrizi has helped thousands of CEOs and leaders in high-tech (Including Apple, Google, Amazon, and Microsoft), banking and finance, retail, healthcare, plan, mobilize, and implement transformational initiatives that have elevated organizational performance and created unprecedented results. His latest book, "The Inside-Out Effect: A Practical Guide to Transformational Leadership" is an international bestseller and was featured in 2014 on The Washington Post website as Leadership Book of the Week reaching 10.4 million readers. His “Rapid Transformation” book (, published by Harvard Business Review Press, was picked by Business Insider as the #1 book on leadership and has sold over a million copies worldwide.


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Rendezvény információ

A kategória típusa: Lunch and Learn webinárium

A rendezvény típusa:

Dátum: 20 május 2022

Óra: 12:00 - 13:00

Nyelv: Angol

PDU pontok száma: 1.0

Ár információ

Tagi regisztráció: Ingyenes

Nem tagi regisztráció: Ingyenes

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