OSP International LLC
OSP International is one of the leading online training companies for PMP®, CAPM®, PMI-ACP® exam preparation. Our certified project managers have developed our training and are experienced in providing live online exam preparation and pre-recorded training and coaching. We have helped more than 57,000 project managers in over 56 countries successfully prepare for their exams since 2008.
We offer a five star rated PM Exam Simulator that provides a realistic, online, computer-based exam environment to answer hundreds of questions before you take the actual exam. Prepare effectively by learning effective test-taking strategies, test your knowledge, gain confidence, and reduce your study time.
Once you have attained your PMI certification, our PDU Podcast offers an easy way to earn your PDUs each month with automatically delivered webinars on various project management topics. It is completely aligned with the PMI Talent Triangle. The PDUs are correctly mapped and will reflect as PDUs for the three sides of the talent triangle: Technical PDUs, Leadership PDUs, and Strategic and Business PDUs.
Founding Date: 2008
Founder and President: Cornelius Fichtner PMP, CSM, PMI-OC Fellow
Contact Information:
Email: support@pm-prepcast.com