Membership vs Certification

For more information about PMI certifications, please click here.

Do I have to be a member to apply for a PMI certification?

No. PMI membership is separate from PMI certifications. However, as a PMI member, you will have access to many benefits including discounts on your certification exam fee as well as discounts on professional development opportunities to help with maintenance of your certification(s).

How long is my membership cycle?

PMI membership is for one year from the date of your membership activation. You can renew your membership as early as 90 days from your expiration date. You can find your membership status in your myPMI profile on

I paid for my certification renewal, did my membership renew as well?

No. There are separate fees and separate processes to renew your membership or your certification. Membership is on a one-year cycle and your certification renewal is on a three-year cycle.

Automatic Renewal of Your Membership

Can I set my membership to automatically renew?

Yes, you can set your membership to auto-renew if it is one of the following membership types:

PMI Membership
Retiree Membership
Chapter membership if you are electing one of the above renewal options
You are renewing one of the above membership types online
When you join or renew one of the above membership types, your PMI membership and chapter membership will be set to automatically renew. You will be presented with the membership automatic renewal terms and conditions on the payment screen on

The following membership types are not available for auto-renewal:

Student and student chapter memberships
PMIEF donations
Group billing plans
Paper applications and renewals
Hardship memberships
Library subscriptions

Can I opt out of automatically renewing my membership?

Yes, this is an optional feature. If you prefer, you may turn off this feature and renew each year via mail, phone, or online.

If my PMI membership is set to automatically renew, does this mean my certification/credential also will renew automatically?

No. The renewal of your membership and certifications, fees and processes are different. To see the status of both, log in to and go to your myPMI profile to view your status.

Renewing Your Membership

What happens if I do not renew my membership on time?

If you do not renew your membership by your expiration date your membership expires and you will no longer have access to your membership benefits, such as the discounts on certification, member-only webinars, additional PDU opportunities, or maintain your chapter membership. The membership automatic renewal feature ensures continuous access to your membership benefits without interruption.

When do I need to renew my membership?

You can renew your PMI membership as early as 90 days ahead of your expiration date. Membership renewal is based on the original join date. When renewing within 10 months of the expiration date, your membership will continue to renew during the month you initially joined PMI.

Where can I go to renew my membership?

Log on to and go to your myPMI profile. From there, you can access your dashboard to renew your PMI and chapter membership.

Access to Your Benefits

How do I access my membership benefits?

Log in to and click on the myPMI tab. Click on the “dashboard” link. In the right-hand column, you will see a section for “Knowledge Resources”. Select PMI publications to access the online version of the PMI standards. In addition, to access your online community, tools, templates, webinars, virtual events, and more go to .
As part of my membership I have access to online communities, tools, templates, webinars, virtual events and more. Where do I find those resources?

Access to online communities, templates, member-only webinars, virtual events and more can be accessed at On the home page, click on the blue button that says “Log in with PMI”. Find what you are looking for using the top-level navigation.
I purchased membership as part of registering for a PMI event (Conference, Seminars World). How long will it take for my membership to appear on my profile?

Your membership will be active shortly after your application and payment are received. You will receive a confirmation email notifying you of your membership activation.

Membership and Chapters

What’s the difference between Student Membership and PMI Membership?

Student Members enjoy the same benefits as PMI Membership except that Student Members receive access to publications in a digital format exclusively.

As a PMI member, how can I join one or more local chapters? How long will the chapter membership be valid?

Your new PMI® membership automatically includes membership of the local chapter. Subsequent renewals of your PMI® membership will automatically renew your membership of the local chapter. You can of course join other chapters outside your local chapter (once you have selected the chapter that is part of your PMI membership), regardless of their geographical location, at the rates of the chapter.

How long does it take for my Chapter Membership to be active?

Your chapter membership will be active once PMI has received payment. You will receive a confirmation email that your chapter membership has been processed. A timely notification response depends on the chapter, typically a few days.


What are the payment methods accepted by PMI?

Payment are made in U.S. dollars via credit card, check or bank transfer. PMI accepts: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners Club and Discover.

Can my membership be cancelled and refunded?

PMI Membership is non-refundable and non-transferable. You can choose to not renew your PMI membership at the time of your next expiration.

Why am I being charged the “one time” $10 application fee if I was a member in the past?

If your PMI membership has expired, and you rejoin PMI, you are considered to be new member. You will also be charged US$10.00 processing fee.

Can I have a discount on the membership dues fee?

PMI does not offer discounts on PMI membership.