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Top 10 reasons why companies fail when trying to implement a project management office and what they can do to mitigate these points of failure

Implementing a PMO, or Project Management Office can be a complex and challenging process. While a PMO can bring significant benefits to an organization, such as improving project delivery and enhancing project management capabilities, it is important to recognize that there are also risks and challenges associated with PMO implementation. One of the key challenges is the potential for PMO implementation failure.

To avoid PMO implementation failure, it is essential to carefully plan and prepare for the implementation process. This may involve developing a clear vision and strategy for the PMO, engaging stakeholders, building support for the PMO, and identifying and addressing any potential challenges or risks. It is also important to ensure that the PMO has the necessary resources, skills, and support to be successful. Below we enumerate the top 10 reasons for these fails, follow them as lessons to help your organization succeed when implementing a PMO:

  1. Lack of Clear Objectives

A company without a clearly defined set of objectives and plans for achieving them is doomed to fail in its efforts to implement a Project Management Office (PMO). It is important that the PMO is aligned with the goals and strategic objectives of the organization.

  1. Poor Planning

Companies often fail in the implementation process due to their lack of planning and organisational skills. Without proper research and understanding of the process, unexpected issues may occur along the way thus leading to delays, budget overruns and ultimately failure.

  1. Insufficient Resources

Companies may not have the necessary resources required for successful implementation of a PMO such as skilled personnel, technological tools, adequate budget or proper infrastructure. This can result in a disorganized or inefficient PMO that does not produce quality results.

  1. Unclear Roles & Responsibilities

Defining roles and defining authorities correctly is essential if a company intends to run a successful PMO. Without these in place, decision making will be taken away from the team creating more confusion and leading to possible miscommunication and inefficient operations.

  1. Poor Change Management

Changes in an organization such as filling roles, training personnel, operational processes must all be planned properly in order to efficiently implement a PMO. When poor change management is applied, it becomes very difficult to adapt larger reorganizations into this system successfully thus raising the possibility for failure.



Photo by Riccardo Annandale on Unsplash


  1. No Evaluation System Implemented

Companies often do not have an evaluation system implemented to review the performance of their PMOs resulting in ongoing problems that can lead to its own failure eventually. Having a feedback mechanism within an organisation helps keep everyone accountable and working towards common values and goals.

  1. Miscommunication Amongst Stakeholders

Miscommunication amongst stakeholders is one of the most common causes of failure during the implementation process since it leads to disagreements among them and delays in decision making processes further leading to significantly lower performance rates and outcomes overall.

  1. Poor Risk Management Strategies

Risk management must be part of any project implementation process since risk identification and mitigation are key elements during it. Yet companies often don' t need proper strategies to do so endangering their success even further on by doing so as well as putting their investments at risk with no clear plan towards minimizing those risks if they do occur down the line.' 

  1. Inadequate Software Systems Implementation

As part of implementing a successful PMO one must choose and implement effective software systems that provide real-time updates on progress, tasks and other related items - yet failing to do so can lead to projects becoming stalled or abandoned entirely due to lack of data or difficulty managing tasks between different departments within an organisation resulting in delays and higher costs associated with prolonged project timelines.

  1. Failure To Monitor Progress Regularly

Without regular monitoring progress components such as milestones and deadlines can go unseen resulting in projects coming short of desired results or even being completed late, which can effect customer satisfaction levels as well as product/service quality and reliability standards over time, which may lead to further failures and eventual abandonment of the whole project itself.'


In conclusion, these are just some of the top 10 reasons why companies fail when trying implement Project Management Office successfully. With that in mind, all organizations should take extra caution when entering this field by having strict planning methods and measures in place prior to starting off along with closely monitoring progress throughout each phase as well as having strong communication within their teams as well as amongst all stakeholders involved during this process. Otherwise, risk facing serious setbacks during their endeavours including potential failure altogether if left unchecked for too long – nonetheless by diligently following best practices when running projects certain overall success can still be achieved even if common pitfalls from above are encountered along the way.


About the author:

Ivan_Moreira.png Ivan Moreira, PMP® works in the technology industry acting as a project manager over the last 15 years. Agility enthusiast, international speaker, volunteer, and passionate about helping companies and people address changes in their businesses and life with technology. A believer that community growth and progress, together, could change the world.


  • https://ivanmoreira.org/about
  • https://unsplash.com
  • https://projectmanagement.com




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