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First Time Managing A Big Project? Steer Clear Of These 5 Tragic Mistakes

Not everyone is a certified Project Management Professional(PMP), but virtually every workplace professional manages projects—whether big or small—at some point in their career. The unfortunate truth is that even if you don’t carry the title “project manager,” professionals of all backgrounds are frequently expected to successfully manage projects on time and within budget. Indeed, project management isn’t just for project managers. Particularly for those thrust into this demanding role with higher visibility or higher budget projects, the thought of managing them without the traditional project management background can be more than a little intimidating. Indeed, those without formal training are most likely to fall victim to these five tragic newbie project manager mistakes.


Mistake #1 – Adopting a Leadership Style that is Too Task Focused

Newbies often make the mistake of thinking the key to strong project management is cracking the whip, but the truth is that early on in the project life cycle building strong relationships should probably take precedence. Certainly, much of project management is about closely monitoring and managing tasks, but the truth is that the work gets done through people, and those strong relationships will often encourage improved task progression. Typically, the beginning of the project offers a unique opportunity to break the ice and begin to form critical bonds that will prove invaluable later in the project, so don’t make the mistake of focusing on task to the exclusion of relationships—you just may pay the price down the road.

Recommended Hack: During introductions at the beginning of a meeting or call, ask each person to share their first paid job or favorite show or band growing up. This type of simple habit can provide a spark for genuine relationship building throughout the team.


Mistake #2 – Ignoring Slackers on the Team

While it’s a mistake to be too task focused (particularly at the start of a new project), it can be just as risky to adopt a style that is so relationship focused that you’re ignoring glaring issues like slackers on the team. If you manage projects long enough, you’ll encounter a slacker (or two), and they can not just hinder the entire project’s success but also drain your time and lower team morale as well. Developing a Goldilocks style that’s strong in both task and relationship is the key to encouraging team bolding while also holding team members accountable.

Recommended Hack: Be proactive and develop team ground rules early on. During the development process raise the issue of accountability with the group (before anyone starts slacking). It might sound like this. “Hey guys, I know that we’ve all been a part of teams that suffered with a team slacker and don’t want to go through that on this project. What ground rules should we develop to help keep us all accountable?”


Mistake #3 – Underestimating Task Durations

Do you ever notice that it often takes longer to do something than we anticipate? That quick 30 second email really takes 5 minutes or the quick 10-minute trip to Starbucks actually takes 20 minutes. It’s pretty normal to underestimate how long a task will actually take because we tend to envision “best case” scenarios that rarely materialize. Unfortunately, this common tendency can wreak havoc on your all-important timeline. To avoid this phenomenon, encourage task owners to consider likely factors including wait time, delays, vacations, planning time, review/testing time, approval time, etc. as part of their “most likely” time estimates.

Recommended Hack: Ask task owners to provide a best case, worst case, most likely estimate for each major task to help provide more realistic estimates and also illuminate potential risks early on.


Mistake #4 – Not Identifying/Exposing Risks Early Enough

One of the most frustrating experiences a project manager can have is finding out about a significant risk or problem too late in the project life cycle. In fact, seasoned project managers know that every project carries risk, and it’s important to identify those risks early and often. Just waiting for risks to reveal themselves as the project progresses is a recipe for disaster. Instead, it’s important to conduct risk analysis early on during project planning (actually during project initiation if possible), then take steps to actively mitigate those risks throughout the life of the project. While there are many ways to conduct risk analysis, generally speaking it’s helpful for teams to brainstorm potential risks, estimate the probability and impact for each risk event (multiply those together to determine severity), then prioritize risks by severity. Having conducted this analysis, the team can then develop mitigation strategies and/or back up plans for the highest severity risk events.

Recommended Hack: While it may be tempting to think that identifying risks is as simple as just asking the team to share their thoughts on what could go wrong, the truth is that early in the project when project managers most need to know the unvarnished truth, a newly formed project team is least likely to be candid and forthright about their concerns. As a result, using an anonymous process may be ideal.

Here’s my favourite technique. Provide everyone an index card and ask them to complete the statement “The biggest concern I have about this project’s success is…” Then, ask them to drop off their completed cards in a basket in the hallway as they leave the meeting. The same type activity could obviously be conducted virtually as well using an anonymous survey.


Mistake #5 – Failing to Consider All Tasks

Another common mistake that novice project managers may make is simply overlooking tasks during project planning (and schedule development). It’s a horrible feeling two months into a six-month project to realize that you forgot to include a few key tasks (e.g. user interviews, testing, vendor analysis, requirements documentation, document revisions and approvals, etc.) and now may miss your due date. Certainly, it’s impossible to think of everything during planning, but missing big chunks of work can be easier than you think particularly if the project is fairly complex and involves a range of stakeholders (both within and outside your organization).

Recommended Hack: If you’re able to meet in a large war room during project planning, post project tasks along a wall. Assemble a broad team for this activity and ask them to work in small groups to brainstorm tasks within their project area, then place them on the wall. Next, ask groups to conduct a museum walk moving from section to section adding in any additional tasks the previous group may have overlooked. This type of physical placement provides an opportunity to literally step back and see what might be missing while also getting a nice overview of the entire project.


Accessible to anyone from their laptop, phone or tablet, Kickoff can be completed in 45 minutes and provides downloadable resources professionals can use immediately in their projects. - PROJECT MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE


If you’re new to project management or looking to brush up your skills, Project Management Institute (PMI) has released a free, 45-minute course Kickoff outlining how and where to start your project and providing downloadable templates to ensure you are ready from day one. “PMI recognizes that, especially in today’s rapidly changing working world, professionals globally are constantly being thrust into leading projects for the first time without knowledge of the best practices of project management,” explains Mike DePrisco, Chief Operating Officer of the Project Management Institute. “PMI is offering Kickoff for free to provide new and veteran project managers alike with all the templates and best practices needed to lead and support their teams.”

Indeed, project management skills are no longer a luxury. In today’s demanding workplace, they’re a necessity whether you hold the title project manager or not. While everyone won’t become an expert, avoiding these five mistakes will put you on the path to success.




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